Staff attendance clocking systems comparison. Subscribe or buy? How does Uptivity’s...
HR & Productivity
Digital Documents, Create, Save and Share. All from One App
With the explosion of digital technology, there are now many ways to create, store, find,...
BeHeard- Why your Business needs a Feedback App
As a business owner, you’ve probably heard about how important it is to get feedback from your...
4 main benefits that Time and Attendance Systems can bring for any growing business
Employees are the assets of every company. They are responsible for the growth and success of...
Once upon a time…… and then the clocking-in system was installed
Kieran struggled to make the 8 am Newcastle-London fast train. Although he wouldn’t have done so...
Lessons from Spotify : Globalising Your ‘Work-From-Home’ Scheme
Businesses across the world have had the past year to adapt to the COVID-19 outbreak, and what it...
Productivity: how to maximise it at home or at the office!
In our new weekly blog feature this week, we look at our productivity and how we can be more productive at home and at work, sharing our tips and tricks!
Uptivity Apps | Top 5 Attendance Management Systems in 2019
Table of Content: Introduction of Attendance Management System Attendance Rota Ximble RotaCloud...
How does Attendance Rota compare to other solutions?
Introduction: Attendance loggers aren’t a new idea. But I believe that FaceScan has bridged the...
How can Attendance Rota help your business?
Introduction: Attendance Rota is an application which is using a face recognition system to get...