COVID-19 back to work Checklist for Manufacturers
Pre-defined Manufacturing Checks based on Govt.’s guidance done directly from the App. Stop the spread of COVID-19 in your business by following the government required COVID-19 checklist and make sure your staff stays safe. No paperwork, no configuration needed. Ready to download and use.
Reopening Checks & Risk Assessments
Use Checkki to effortlessly perform and digitally record your risk assessment as you reopen your business to make sure all hazards are accounted for. Also carry out specific opening and closing checks. All your staff need is Checkki App and everything is done consistently everyday.
Receive instant notifications
Management and Owners can’t be in all the places all the times. Checkki enables them to be notified on things that have been missed or failed. Visual reports demostrate the proof of work being done by staff across your business. Everything comes to you instead of you going to everyting.
Visual Actionable Reports
No one has the time to sit on desk and compile reports. The App sends the visual reports directly to the management with photographs. Not only that, the report includes a living action plan highlighting jobs to be carried out by others. A summary report of multiple checklists over a chosen period of time can also be created automatically.
Quality Control Checklists
Each Manufacturing Facility is always concious of quality of their products. The cost of your reputation and returns is high. Checkki can help you with making sure each workstation and department do their specific Quality Control Checks. Better still, the Checkki App can also be used by Quality Control Department with final checks and allows Quality Control Team to take photographic evidence of condition the product left the factory.
Compliance and Health & Safety Checklists
Tired of heaps of paper just for your Compliance or Health & Safety checklists? Checkki is here to transform your business to become more efficient and your staff safer. All complicance checks such as Fire & Safety systems, Smoke Alarms, Sprinklers, Extingishers can be checked on regular basis with Checkki. Not only that, your Health and Safety Assessment forms can all be done with Checkki with no paperwork involved.
Custom checklists for day to day operations
With Enhanced Checkki, you create your own checklists to streamline your day to day operations and manage them digitally. Gone are the days of chasing staff for missing out a step in the manufacturing process. With Checkki, your whole Manufacturing journey can be streamlined making sure all processes and procedures are followed by each department and relevant team members notified of actions needed and actions taken. All the way from processing sales orders to delivery to your customers, Checkki can help.
Who is Checkki for?
Office and Buildings
Generate reports for each completed checklist, including pictures.
Restaurant & Takeaways
Increase food safety and always pass food inspections.
Health & Safety, Cleaning and Compliance
Teach your staff how to do each job properly. Attach training videos.
Manufacturing & Warehouses
Train your staff, ensure checks are done consistently, streamline and make your day to day operations or your manufacturing processes more efficient
Construction & Engineering
Carry out compliance checks and risk assessments digitally, train your staff via the App, manage your day to day operations with just one click.
Retail, Hospitality & Holiday Parks
Prepare to re-open and get back to work in a COVID-19 risk-free environment, welcome back customers to safe and clean premised with Checkki.
Health Care
Prepare to re-open and get back to work in a COVID-19 risk-free environment, welcome back customers to safe and clean premised with Checkki.
Our Pricing
Annually (upfront) or monthly.
Standard Checkki
- 5x users and £0 upfront
- Use pre-defined checklists
- Edit existing checklists as per your needs
- Send PDF reports directly from the App
- Training
- Server Hosting
- Support
- Updates and Backups
- New features
Enhanced Checkki
- Unlimited Users and £0 upfront
- All Standard Checkki Features plus
- Businesses can create their own checks
- Link checks with Assets (boilers, equipment maintenance)
- Assign jobs to others directly from the App (Work Order Generation)
- Text and email notifications if something fails (workflows)
Checkki works well with these Apps
For companies which deal with properties, from letting agents to large factories.
Use Smart Orders to organise repairs and Enhanced Checklists to ensure they are done correctly with all the information is collected.
A complete Food & Drink management platform designed for Restaurants, Caterers, Food Manufacturers including the food supply chain.
Asset Management
Manage rotational and fixed assets. Tenants can scan QR codes to report faults. Check your rotational assets in and out.
Smart Workorders
An intuitive CMMS for reporting jobs, finding the appropriate staf and make sure they are doing well.
Digital Documents
Leave the hassle of paper behind. One app to manage all our docunents digitally. Get electronicsignature, manage recruitment forms and more