The internet’s ease, accessibility, and openness in our everyday transactions has profoundly transformed our standards of how we do business. Adoption of innovation has expanded considerably in recent years, most notably with COVID-19. As per the statistics, 93% of individuals prefer shopping online and the same goes with building material market as the numbers says Ecommerce has a lot of potential.
The Emerging Building Material Market
building merchant store
The worldwide building materials market was valued at $272 billion in 2020 and is expected to increase to $377 billion by 2026. Construction industry has a huge potential and figures will increase in near future which means builders merchants should adopt the Ecommerce trend to stay ahead and competitive. Ecommerce is booming exceptionally and many businesses are adopting technology and innovation eventually all business will go digital. If building material sector does not adopt this change their business will suffer huge losses which eventually end up closing the business.
The Building Industry’s Ecommerce Business is Growing
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a noteworthy transition in building material transactions from offline to the internet, with 75% of building professionals indicating they will invest in strengthening their online presence. 70% of construction businesses believe those that do not accept digital methods of working would go out of operation. According to the research, an amazing 89% believe that digitalisation would change the way they operate. Source: Sanacommerce
Market Trends
Majortiy of the customers want ease of purchase. As per the reports, there 2.14 billion buyers (including consumers and enterprises) who prefer Ecommerce shopping than physical off-site shopping. Source: mentioned in the picture. Out of which 60% of customers states that Ecommerce offer ease of purchasing. With this report, it’s clear that Ecommerce has got a potential of customers. It’s because, Ecommerce is always an ease and cost efficient for a buyer. And for the seller, they get a potential customer from a wide userbase.
No Geographical Barrier
no geographical barrier in ecommerce
Ecommerce business allow other businesses to purchase your products that are far away from your location or can be in another country. In the off-site business, builders merchants can only target limited businesses and miss out those potential custmmers which are far from your premises. However, with Ecommerce there are no geographical restrictions. You can reach out to any potential business around the world through Ecommerce. And not just that, on the purchasing side, businesses prefer Ecommerce deals, as it provideds them more variety, better competition, better rates and better quality.
Start your B2B Ecommerce with Ease
On the alternative and easy side, you can use other 3rd party Ecommerce platforms e.g, JustSell. It will do all the work you do manually but better, efficiency and in cost-effective manner. From the domain, design and launching of your website, JustSell will do handle all your B2B Ecommerce business transformation. Boost your construction business’ potential and exposure with JustSell’s ecommerce platform.