Personalising SMS improves cart recovery rates in wholesale

Aug 2, 2024 | Ecommerce, JustSell B2B

Personalising SMS improves cart recovery rates in wholesale

Personalising SMS messages can significantly improve cart recovery rates in wholesale Ecommerce. Here are some effective strategies:

Address recipients by name

Use the customer’s name in your message to create a more personal connection.

Segment your audience

Tailor messages based on customer loyalty, age, or location. For example, use different copy for loyal customers versus new customers.

Customise offers

Provide personalised incentives or discounts based on customer behaviour, preferences, or purchase history.

Include specific product details

Mention the items left in the cart to remind customers of what they were interested in.

Use brand tone

Incorporate your unique brand voice to make messages stand out and align with your overall brand personality.

Add multimedia

Include images or GIFs of abandoned products to reignite interest visually.

Segment based on product value

Send different messages or offer varying discounts depending on the value of items in the abandoned cart.

Leverage customer data

Use information like past purchases or browsing history to create more relevant and targeted messages.

Create urgency

Use action-provoking language and mention limited stock or time-sensitive offers to encourage immediate action.


Personalising SMS messages can dramatically enhance cart recovery rates in wholesale Ecommerce. By addressing recipients by name, segmenting the audience, and customising offers, businesses create a more engaging and relevant experience. Including specific product details, using brand tone, and adding multimedia elements make messages more compelling. Leveraging customer data and creating a sense of urgency further boosts effectiveness.

These strategies help recover abandoned carts, strengthen customer relationships, and drive sales, making personalised SMS a powerful tool in wholesale Ecommerce.

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