Benefits of SMS integration in Wholesale Ecommerce platforms

Jul 31, 2024 | Ecommerce, JustSell B2B

Benefits of SMS integration in Wholesale Ecommerce platforms

SMS integration in Ecommerce platforms offers several key benefits:

Higher engagement rates

SMS messages have significantly higher open and click-through rates compared to email, allowing businesses to reach customers more effectively.

Immediate communication

With 95% of text messages read within 3 minutes, SMS enables real-time communication for time-sensitive messages like flash sales or order updates.

Increased sales

SMS can help reduce cart abandonment by providing immediate support during checkout and sending reminders about abandoned carts.

Improved customer service

Businesses can offer real-time Q&A sessions, send order notifications, and provide quick support via text, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Enhanced customer loyalty

Personalised SMS messages and automated satisfaction check-ins can help build stronger relationships with customers.

Personalisation opportunities

SMS platforms allow for segmentation and tailoring of messages based on customer data and behavior.

Automation capabilities

Businesses can set up automated SMS sequences for various customer touchpoints, streamlining marketing efforts.

Competitive advantage

With only 55% of brands currently using SMS marketing, early adopters can gain an edge over competitors.


SMS integration in wholesale Ecommerce boosts engagement and communication. It helps reduce cart abandonment by providing quick support and timely updates. Personalized SMS enhances customer service and loyalty, while automation streamlines marketing efforts. By adopting SMS, businesses can gain a competitive edge and improve customer relationships, leading to increased sales and overall success.

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