Benefits of combining SMS and email for cart recovery

Aug 2, 2024 | Ecommerce, JustSell B2B

Benefits of combining SMS and email for cart recovery

Combining SMS and email for cart recovery offers several key benefits:

Increased reach

Using both channels increases the chances of reaching customers promptly and effectively, as some may prefer SMS while others respond better to email.

Complementary timing

Strategically spacing SMS and email messages allows for multiple touchpoints without overwhelming customers. For example, sending an initial email followed by an SMS reminder 20 minutes later.

Personalisation opportunities

Leveraging customer data across both channels allows for more targeted and personalised messaging, addressing customers by name and referencing specific abandoned items.

Varied content delivery

Email can provide more detailed information and visuals, while SMS offers concise, immediate communication for time-sensitive offers.

Synergistic effect

The combination of both channels can reinforce the message and create a more compelling call-to-action.

Flexibility in messaging

Email can be used for longer, more informative content, while SMS can deliver quick reminders or exclusive, time-limited offers.

Improved conversion rates

Some brands have achieved cart recovery rates as high as 45% among customers who opened their text messages when combined with email strategies.

Cost-effective approach

Utilising both channels maximises the chances of cart recovery without significantly increasing marketing costs.


Combining SMS and email for cart recovery in wholesale Ecommerce boosts reach and effectiveness. SMS provides quick reminders, while email offers detailed information. This approach personalises messages, improves conversion rates, and keeps costs low. By strategic timing and varying content, businesses can engage customers better and recover more abandoned carts, driving higher sales and satisfaction.

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